Cybersecurity Sales: The Future of the Industry and What This Means for You.

It's hard to ignore what's happening with cybersecurity. We've seen massive data breaches in which companies lose millions of records of information. The new normal is that we are all at risk for someone stealing our identities or our credit card information. This is why people are scrambling to find the best cybersecurity solutions for their businesses. And believe it or not, there's never been a better time to be in the industry!

It's an essential area of concern for any business, and the demand for cybersecurity in general and cyber security salespeople has never been higher. Learn more about how you can become a cyber security salesperson and what this means for you.


A Brief Overview of the Industry

What is Cybersecurity?

Cyber security is the protection of digital systems and users from cyber threats. This means stopping attacks before they take hold, securing data, and creating solutions that can be utilized in the event of an attack.

It's important to note that cybersecurity isn't just for computers. It also includes your phone, IoT devices, social media networks, and more! That's why it's so important to have a strategy in place to protect your business.

How to Get Started

If you're interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity sales, you'll need to consider what type of cybersecurity sales career best fits your skillset. By choosing the right path for you—whether that's working as an SDR on the front lines —you'll be able to find the perfect fit for who you are and what you want out of life.


What's it like to be a cybersecurity sales professional?

The cybersecurity industry is booming with companies scrambling to find the best talent in sales. Whether you're interested in cyber security sales as a career or an industry to invest in, there's never been a better time to be involved!

If you're not sure whether this career option is right for you, take a look at these five reasons why it's such a great choice:

  • You can get a role in sales at a vendor and work from anywhere in the world.
  • Cybersecurity sales offer steady and high-paying job opportunities.
  • The demand for experienced sales professionals continues to grow.
  • It provides you with transferable skills that will cross over into other industries.
  • It's essential we all do our part to protect ourselves and others.


 The Future of the Industry

We've seen a lot of changes in the past ten years. In fact, cyber security has been among the fastest-growing industries for the past five years. The demand for successful cybersecurity salespeople continues to grow as well.

In order to address this need, many universities have added sales programs and degrees to their courses of study. This is great news for anyone interested in a career in the cybersecurity field!


 How to Become a Cybersecurity Sales Professional

With the recent uptick in cybersecurity breaches, many companies are looking for great sales talent to fill their sales team. If you're interested in becoming a cyber security sales professional, here are some things you should know about this industry:

  • Cybersecurity salespeople must be highly skilled and knowledgeable with regards to information technology (IT) systems and network architecture;
  • There is no standardized educational requirement for entry into the field of cyber security sales; however, most employers prefer candidates who have at least an undergraduate degree or experience working in other cyber security vendors;
  • The median salary range can vary dramatically depending on location and role but OTE for an AE generally ranges from $225K- to $375K per year.


Cybersecurity is one of the hottest industries today. With the threat of cyberattacks and cyber terrorism on the rise, the demand for cybersecurity salespeople is greater than ever. Interested in learning more about this industry and how to become a cybersecurity salesperson? Stay tuned for helpful tips, -tricks, and more!