How to Find the Right Cyber Security Career Path for You.

Cyber security is a rapidly growing field, with no signs of slowing down. It’s predicted to be one of the fastest-growing career paths in the coming years. In fact, by 2022, it’s projected that there will be a global shortage of 1 million qualified cybersecurity workers. While this may seem scary at first, it also means that the job prospects are excellent for those who want to pursue a cyber security career. If you’re looking for a new opportunity in the field of cyber security, read on for helpful tips and tricks on how to find the perfect fit for you.


What You Need to Get Started

As you research your options, it’s important to remember that cyber security is an incredibly broad field. This means you have a number of different paths to choose from when deciding where to start your journey.

For example, if you’re interested in the technical aspect of cyber security, then a degree in computer science or software engineering could be perfect for you. If you’re more interested in the business side of things, there are other options available. There are even online courses available for those who want to learn more about cyber security but don’t want to commit to attending college full-time.

Regardless of which direction you want to go with this profession, it’s important that you stay up-to-date on all the latest news and developments within the field. This will help ensure that any potential employer knows that you are committed and knowledgeable about their industry.

Remember that while technology changes quickly, today's technology is also used by organizations five years down the road - so staying current will give future prospects a reason to hire you over someone else!


How to Find the Right Cyber Security Job

The first step to finding the right cyber security job is to figure out what you want. If you’re interested in an IT position, make sure you know your way around a computer system. If you want to work for a government agency, make sure you understand the various agencies and their missions. Next, take a look at some of the more popular fields in cyber security:

-Cybersecurity Analyst: They research and identify vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks, and also monitor the system's day-to-day to detect any changes or issues. This person must have strong analytical skills, as well as excellent communication skills.

-Security Engineer: A security engineer must be able to respond quickly when necessary and be able to think on their feet. They often need a strong knowledge of programming languages, such as C++ or Java--and they may need knowledge of other languages like Python or Ruby on Rails. As an engineer, the design and build new systems that can protect against cyber threats like viruses and malware

-Software Developer: Software developers will create programs that run inside a specific operating system (e.g., Windows). Some software developers will create code from scratch; others will tailor existing code for different purposes (e.g.,


Entry-Level Jobs in Cyber Security

It’s true. Entry-level jobs in cyber security are plentiful. However, many of these roles will require some degree of experience and technical know-how. If you're just getting your feet wet in the field, then you may want to start out with an internship or apprenticeship with a company that specializes in cyber security. Many colleges and universities offer degree programs related to cyber security as well. With a college degree and some hands-on experience, you'll be able to apply for more senior-level jobs in the field.


Mid-Career Jobs in Cyber Security

Cyber security jobs are available to people at any stage of their career. There are many different types of positions to choose from, so you should be able to find a job that suits your interests and skills. For example, if you’re looking for a mid-career job in cyber security, you have the option of working as a Security Analyst or Security Architect.

Security Analysts are responsible for identifying any potential vulnerabilities in an organization’s computer system. They may spend hours analyzing data to identify potential risks and other threats. Security analysts typically need a bachelor's degree in computer science or another relevant field.

On the other hand, Security Architects design networks that are protected against external attacks or breaches, which can be extremely difficult tasks. Security Architects often need years of experience and education with information technology (IT) systems management and network administration—great candidates will often need at least 10 years of experience. However, these jobs pay well—a median salary is around $98,000 per year!


Tips on How to Succeed in the Field of Cyber Security

As with any other industry, there are some things you can do to set yourself apart from the competition and increase your chances of success.

First, it’s important to understand what cyber security entails. Luckily, we’ve provided a handy guide that will break down the basics and give you a better idea of what you can do to succeed in this field.

Next, it’s important to think about where you want to settle. There are different types of cyber security positions available: Some require travel, others require significant technical knowledge and expertise, and still, others may be limited by location.

If you want a job that will require travel or extensive skillsets, then consider looking for those types of positions first. If you're looking for something local with less stress involved, then those kinds of jobs might be more up your alley.

No matter which kind of cyber security position appeals most to you (or if they all sound like good options), it's always helpful to have an understanding of what each type entails beforehand so that it can help inform your decisions as you go along the search process.


Cyber security professionals are in demand these days. If you want to get started in this field, follow these steps to find the right cyber security career path for you.